Magzter cashback offer | Flat ₹4000 cashback | Hyyzo
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Magzter Cashback Offers | Flat 4150 Hyyzo Points

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Magzter Cashback Offers


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About Magzter

Magzter is the world's largest and fastest-growing cross-platform global digital magazine newsstand. Headquartered in New York, Magzter is the ultimate way to browse, buy, and read content on your tablet or smartphone. Whether it is Apple (iPad/iPhone/iPod) or Android (Samsung Galaxy, Motorola Xoom, Dell Streak, Google Nexus-S, etc.), Magzter knows it all. Magzter is also available on storefronts such as the Amazon app store

About Magzter

Magzter is the world's largest digital magazine store where viewers have thousands of magazines under one roof, circumferencing a plethora of fields and interests from Forbes to Filmfare; let's avail you avail all the latest magazines. Magzter has everything for you from newspapers to magazines and in all genres - News, entertainment, lifestyle, fashion, and many more. In newspapers, you can choose from Hindustan times, Business standards, The Daily Guardian, etc., at just rupees 10. The annual Magzter subscription gives you unlimited access to 5,000+ Digital magazines, newspapers, and premium stories.

Magzter Offers

Magzter offers you a wide range of categories and provides the magazines you love at discounts. The site is like heaven for magazine lovers. You can have almost every magazine on this platform, grab it from here, and avail of the best Magzter offers.

  • Save up to 50% Off on a 1-year Magzter Gold Subscription for ₹1999 only and an 11-month subscription + one additional month free.
  • Extra 60% Off, Get 3 Years of Magzter GOLD access at ₹3,999 only and an Additional 1 Month Free
  • Annual Best Offer | Enjoy up to 50% Off on Unlimited Digital Reading at Rs.1999
  • Magazine Bundles | Up to 90% Off on Best Selling

Magzter Cashback offers

Everyone loves cashback, and nothing can be better than earning cashback for the thing you love the most, i.e., shopping. Earn cashback on your favourite magazine when you shop on Magzter via Hyyzo. Hyyzo will become your saviour for your magazine subscription.

How to earn cashback on Magzter via Hyyzo

  • Open your Browser
  • Login to the Hyyzo site
  • In the search panel of Hyyzo, Type "Magzter."
  • Select Magzter. You will be redirected to the best Magzter cashback offers on the Hyyzo page.
  • Choose the cashback offer and click on the "Activate Cashback" button.
  • Then you will be automatically redirected to the Hyyzo website, where you need to fill in the necessary details and buy that selected item.
  • The Magzter Cashback Offer will be credited to your account on the confirmation of your order.

Remember, the more you shop, the more cashback you get. Start shopping using the Hyyzo site for Magzter Cashback Offers.

Magzter Gold offers

Magzter Gold offers can be even more rewarding. Get a subscription to Magzter gold, and your benefits will be never-ending. It offers the best service and extra ones. Get monthly or yearly subscriptions and get the best magazines at inexpensive rates.
  • Flat 60% off on Magzter 3-year gold subscription
  • Cosmopolitan Magazine - Up To 67% Off
  • Forbes Magazine - Up To 71% Off
  • Filmfare Magazine - Up To 29% Off

Magzter Customer Care

For any queries relating to any magazines or offers from Magzter, feel free to contact customer care at Magzter. E-mail the site at

Magzter FAQs

Q1. How many people can use a magzter account?
Ans- Under the family sharing plan, one magzter gold subscription can be shared with four family members giving their users the ultimate unlimited reading experience for the entire family. Readers could read magazines or newspapers on iPad, iPhones, Android phone tablets, or laptops.

Q2. Can we read Magzter magazine offline?
Ans- Users can easily read their magazine offline as the application is designed in such a way that once users view the magazine, it is downloaded, and it is readily available offline until the user deletes it.

Q3. On which phones the Magzter app is available?
Ans – Magzter is available for IOS users, Android users, and Kindle fire users. You can easily install the app and enjoy notable magazines, newspapers, and stories.

Q4. How can one buy a Magzter subscription at the lowest price?
Ans- Buyers can buy a Magzter subscription at the lowest price by shopping using Hyyzo.

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About Magzter

Magzter is the world's largest digital magazine store where viewers have thousands of magazines under one roof, circumferencing a plethora of fields and interests from Forbes to Filmfare; let's avail you avail all the latest magazines. Magzter has everything for you from newspapers to magazines and in all genres - News, entertainment, lifestyle, fashion, and many more. In newspapers, you can choose from Hindustan times, Business standards, The Daily Guardian, etc., at just rupees 10. The annual Magzter subscription gives you unlimited access to 5,000+ Digital magazines, newspapers, and premium stories.

Magzter Offers

Magzter offers you a wide range of categories and provides the magazines you love at discounts. The site is like heaven for magazine lovers. You can have almost every magazine on this platform, grab it from here, and avail of the best Magzter offers.

  • Save up to 50% Off on a 1-year Magzter Gold Subscription for ₹1999 only and an 11-month subscription + one additional month free.
  • Extra 60% Off, Get 3 Years of Magzter GOLD access at ₹3,999 only and an Additional 1 Month Free
  • Annual Best Offer | Enjoy up to 50% Off on Unlimited Digital Reading at Rs.1999
  • Magazine Bundles | Up to 90% Off on Best Selling

Magzter Cashback offers

Everyone loves cashback, and nothing can be better than earning cashback for the thing you love the most, i.e., shopping. Earn cashback on your favourite magazine when you shop on Magzter via Hyyzo. Hyyzo will become your saviour for your magazine subscription.

How to earn cashback on Magzter via Hyyzo

  • Open your Browser
  • Login to the Hyyzo site
  • In the search panel of Hyyzo, Type "Magzter."
  • Select Magzter. You will be redirected to the best Magzter cashback offers on the Hyyzo page.
  • Choose the cashback offer and click on the "Activate Cashback" button.
  • Then you will be automatically redirected to the Hyyzo website, where you need to fill in the necessary details and buy that selected item.
  • The Magzter Cashback Offer will be credited to your account on the confirmation of your order.

Remember, the more you shop, the more cashback you get. Start shopping using the Hyyzo site for Magzter Cashback Offers.

Magzter Gold offers

Magzter Gold offers can be even more rewarding. Get a subscription to Magzter gold, and your benefits will be never-ending. It offers the best service and extra ones. Get monthly or yearly subscriptions and get the best magazines at inexpensive rates.
  • Flat 60% off on Magzter 3-year gold subscription
  • Cosmopolitan Magazine - Up To 67% Off
  • Forbes Magazine - Up To 71% Off
  • Filmfare Magazine - Up To 29% Off

Magzter Customer Care

For any queries relating to any magazines or offers from Magzter, feel free to contact customer care at Magzter. E-mail the site at

Magzter FAQs

Q1. How many people can use a magzter account?
Ans- Under the family sharing plan, one magzter gold subscription can be shared with four family members giving their users the ultimate unlimited reading experience for the entire family. Readers could read magazines or newspapers on iPad, iPhones, Android phone tablets, or laptops.

Q2. Can we read Magzter magazine offline?
Ans- Users can easily read their magazine offline as the application is designed in such a way that once users view the magazine, it is downloaded, and it is readily available offline until the user deletes it.

Q3. On which phones the Magzter app is available?
Ans – Magzter is available for IOS users, Android users, and Kindle fire users. You can easily install the app and enjoy notable magazines, newspapers, and stories.

Q4. How can one buy a Magzter subscription at the lowest price?
Ans- Buyers can buy a Magzter subscription at the lowest price by shopping using Hyyzo.

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